- The Pros and Cons of Negative Language in Policy Governance
Teams in every sport need a coach. The coach usually doesn’t play on the team. He or she understands the game and uses that understanding to develop a game plan that will help the team win. However no team wants its coach to put together a plan, walk into the dressing room, throw it down on the table and walk out. A good coach is constantly pressing the players toward excellence, while pointing out ways that the team can improve. That doesn’t mean the coach is smarter or can play the game better. Rather, the coach draws upon his or her experience and understanding of the game and experience so that the players around them can succeed.
Boards are no different. They are teams. They need someone from the outside to provide a game plan for the team and the perspective that challenges the team to be the very best it can be.
To ensure that the board has sufficient support to consistently and constantly develop and maintain good habits in applying the principles of Policy Governance® successfully, Ted offers his experience and exptertise to be that coach. This can include a review of your minutes with comments as to how well your board is following Policy Governance principles, suggestions for additional or amended policies, coaching we encourage at least a year of coaching as part of our full implementation. or evaluating your monitoring reports.
Great coaches make sure great players develop great habits. Then great players make great teams where winning becomes a culture. If your team is committed to make great governance a culture, Ted wants to help you reach that goal. He starts with where you are, and helps you to get to where you need to be.