Ted served on the leadership team at Grant Memorial Church in Winnipeg Canada where he had the responsibility for developing and directing the Winnipeg Christian Counselling Group. This organization grew to ten counsellors, providing individual, marriage and family counselling. In addition he has assisted Christian and family businesses in identifying areas of challenge and struggle and providing them with the insights to move ahead. It was these successes that awarded him the Alumni of the Year from Providence Seminary in 1998.Ted is a graduate of the Policy Governance® AcademySM in facilitating the implementation of Policy Governance. His specialty is serving churches, mission agencies and other charitable organizations, including those which have begun to implement Policy Governance and have gotten sidetracked or bogged down in the process. Understanding the complexities of governance and board/staff relationships, Ted is able to synthesize issues in a way that allows organizations to function with healthy effectiveness.

As well as consulting to various boards, Ted serves on four Policy Governance boards. He is also recognized as a passionate speaker and an excellent communicator. Ted lives in Winnipeg Canada with his wife Lorna. They have two children and four grandchildren. Ted is also a huge NASCAR fan.

  • The Pros and Cons of Negative Language in Policy Governance
October 16th, 2018
You love Policy Governance®, except for that negative language requirement. Why can’t one just tell the CEO how to do something? .....
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Ted served on the leadership team at Grant Memorial Church in Winnipeg Canada where he had the responsibility for developing and directing the Winnipeg Christian Counselling Group. This organization grew to ten counsellors, providing individual, marriage and family counselling. In addition he has assisted Christian and family businesses in identifying areas of challenge and struggle and providing them with the insights to move ahead. It was these successes that awarded him the Alumni of the Year from Providence Seminary in 1998.Ted is a graduate of the Policy Governance® AcademySM in facilitating the implementation of Policy Governance. His specialty is serving churches, mission agencies and other charitable organizations, including those which have begun to implement Policy Governance and have gotten sidetracked or bogged down in the process. Understanding the complexities of governance and board/staff relationships, Ted is able to synthesize issues in a way that allows organizations to function with healthy effectiveness.

As well as consulting to various boards, Ted serves on four Policy Governance boards. He is also recognized as a passionate speaker and an excellent communicator. Ted lives in Winnipeg Canada with his wife Lorna. They have two children and four grandchildren. Ted is also a huge NASCAR fan.


Primary Contact
272-3336 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3K 2H9
  • The Pros and Cons of Negative Language in Policy Governance
October 16th, 2018
You love Policy Governance®, except for that negative language requirement. Why can’t one just tell the CEO how to do something? .....

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